A different kind of oil and gas company

Turkoil Oil and Gas is focused on upper gulf coast conventional oil and gas resources. We have the capacity to to do new venture drilling, but our primary focus is untangling profits from plays that have been neglected or poorly managed. Our team has the experience, knowledge, and integrity to bring value to our partners.

Production Optimization

Production Optimization

At Turkoil Oil and Gas, no detail is overlooked. We understand all of the intricacies required to make wells and fields operate optimally—both down hole in the well bores and within their surface production operations facilities.

We constantly assess the mechanical integrity of the well bores assuring that the proper form and design of artificial lift matches the reservoir capacity and the efficiency of the production facility receiving their production.

We are vigilant to ensure that our fields are optimized. From knowing every tee and ell in our flowlines to assessing retention time in our tanks and vessels, we make sure our operations are not losing efficiency anywhere in the production network.

Reservoir Exploitation

Reservoir Exploitation

Focusing on field studies in all of our assets leads us to understand where every remaining molecule of oil and gas might reside. When we understand where the hydrocarbons are, we passionately develop the best processes and schedules for exploiting and profitably producing them. Then, we execute and operate according to those plans.

Our comprehensive understanding of reservoirs, rock mechanics, production engineering, and new technologies allow us to create significant value for our investors and partners.